Thursday, September 6, 2007

Reasons, the series

I had started emailing Caitlan a beginning series that I have titled 'Reasons'. As a general rule, and maybe bad person habit, I like to express my opinion and back it up with a couple of reasons. Generally my opinions and reasons are useless to rest of the world- so, what better topic to blog on?! This is a repeat version for Cait, but to those few who read our blog- here is what you can start to expect randomly from me. And for anyone who didn't already know- I have an unnamed obsession with jokes about inflicting pain- I think it came from Lewis Black

Here you are, A-M

Reasons I want to shoot my face with a dart gun
1. Dart guns do not require permits like real guns, so buying one will not present the hassles that a 9 mil. purchase would
2. Dart guns can't be too expensive- they sell them at Wal-Mart, I think
3. The darts from a dart gun can't penetrate as deeply as real bullets- but they will cause enough pain to take my mind off of the normal mental anguish brought on by all the stupid, stupid people allowed to exist
4. I have used the face-in-a-blender joke too many times


Caitlan said...

Still funny I have to say. Morbid, but funny.

Katherine said...

thanks for always providing me with some comic relief. i know that you do it JUST for me. :)