Saturday, May 12, 2007

Kids say the CUTEST things

Here are a couple of my favorite quotes from Dallis and Hadley(and some mini conversations)
"Mom, I have to go to the store for some eggs and ponies" Dallis

"Oh! I'm stuck in there!" Hadley- trying to take her dress off

"We need to fill the car up today, huh Dallis" said Todd, to which Dallis replied "Yeah, cuz the car is thirsty"
Then in a follow-up conversation Todd asked Dallis what the car wanted to drink. He asked if it drinks water and she said "No- not water! I think it wants oatmeal!"

I know it doesn't sound funny- but when you hear a 2 year old say "Oh crap! Oh no!" it just makes you giggle- plus when Hadley says it she puts a hand to her cheek like she is totally frustrated!