Saturday, December 29, 2007

Pre-Christmas and Baby Blessing at Grandma Roberts

To kick off the Christmas festivities, we went over to Grandma and Grandpa Robert's place on Sunday. The occasion was the blessing of my sister Heather's new baby, Jordan. And, since we weren't going to be back over on Christmas day, we did gift exchanges as well.

Here's a picture of Brynn with Jordan in her blessing outfit.

The cousins sang "Families can be Together Forever" before the blessing. You can see how involved Dallis was, and Hadley is conspicuously missing from this picture.

The cousins also dressed up to perform the nativity. Our girls were wisemen, which Dallis was excited about. Brynn loved her tunic so much that she kept it on the entire time!

Kyla holding Grahammert.

Brynn loves her new pillow!

We received great gifts and had a great time with everyone, especially Heather and Dallas and Katie (Brandon left early) whom we don't get to see too often. We played Mormon Mouthful, a new game that my Mom gave me and just hung out.