Thursday, December 4, 2008

Monthly post

We celebrated Dallis's 5th birthday- I was going to put together a video but, I have too much to catch up on! Dallis requested Mongolian Grill for her birthday lunch and then Garcia's for dessert.
She thoroughly enjoyed the attention! Dallis got some great toys and a very pretty dress from my mom. She is very excited to be a big girl now.She has started acting more like a little girl and less like a toddler. Lots of questions lots of the time- and some are not so easy to answer. How do you explain what 'hurry' means if you also have to explain 'fast' and 'go'? Dallis's birthday is just before Thanksgiving which leads me to my next topic.
Todd joined me this year for the Run to Feed the Hungry- a 5k that most of us agree was not measured right (we are very sure it was more like a 6 or 7k). My mom, dad, brother Jake, and sister Caitlan ran with us also.
Then we headed home to make a few side dishes and pies for the big feast at my mom's. This year EVERYTHING was perfect- the turkey was the best ever- very moist and just perfect! THANKS MOM!! We played games and then wrapped up our evening.
It is our tradition to set up our Christmas decorations on the day after Thanksgiving (I am NOT a Black Friday fan- so I try stay in). Now that we have room in our new house, we got a big Christmas tree- real, and piny, and full, and so pretty! The girls tried their hand at decorating it- including socks, teddy bears, Barbies and a shoe. I think my sister, her friend Jessi, and I did a little better, but I guess it is all subjective.

After hanging the stockings I reminded myself- I have a lot of frikkin kids!!
Todd's plan to keep the girls from playing with the ornaments was to tell them the Grinch lives in the tree and if they play with the decorations 'something scary will happen'. Well- as helpful as that has been to my ornaments that I have been collecting since my youth- the girls are now coming up to us showing us random scratches and saying the Grinch did it. Or, they really want to sit in the living room, but can't without a parent because the Grinch will eat them. It is pretty funny. I am just sure that in years to come the girls will be dealing with serious trauma due to the fear instilled in them by the scary monster in our Christmas tree! Here is a picture of what goes on behind the scenes of an attempted family holiday picture!(the source of MY trauma!!) Well- Happy Beginning of the Holdiay Season! Up next, Todd graduates, has a birthday and The Boy turns ONE!


Holly said...

I LOVE those Pottery Barn Stockings! I have been wanting to get some! SO CUTE! The Grinch story cracks me up! And great job running! I wish I was that motivated!

the maddox family said...

I love reading your post. It's so funny to see my old house in your pictures with your christmas tree. I love it. Your girls and the boy are so dang cute. I'm a slacker, but happy birthday to everyone and congrats Todd on the up coming graduation. Thanks for always remembering out bday's, it means a lot. Happy Holidays. Love you guys
Love Heather and fam

Nixon Family said...

I'm so jealous that I couldn't make it to the run to feed the hungry. It looks like it was a perfect day for a run. Hmpf.. Next year hopefully!